Our Policies
Registration and Tuition
Registration: $55 for the first student, $25 each additional student. Registration fees are due yearly at the time of registration with the exception of our Summer Session.
Tuition payments paid by bank draft, cash, or check will receive a 2% discount. Tuition is only prorated for the first month of registration and will not vary due to shorter/longer months in the calendar year (for example months that incorporate winter break, spring break, etc). Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. Accounts with a balance after the 5th of the month will accrue a $25 late fee, including failed bank drafts. Accounts more than two months late will be withdrawn from all classes.
-Drop Form- ***You must fill out this 30-Day Notice Form to drop classes. I must notify the office by email or fill out the Drop Notice at the office 30 days in advance to drop any classes. If you inform us mid-month, I am still required to pay through the end of the 30 days. All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Military Families: Contact office for tuition discount (must have valid id).
Trial Classes and Level Placement Evaluation
Trial classes are $10. One trial class per student per session is allowed. Any additional classes will be at our drop in rate of $25 for all classes.
An evaluation of student's technique is required for Ballet 2 and up. Contact the office to schedule your trial class and/or ballet evaluations.
Absences, Make-Ups, Tardiness, & Late Pick Up
Commitment is key to our student's long-term success. We encourage students to attend all classes so that they do not get behind when learning new material or preparing for recital. Students who exhibit excessive absences from class, especially in the 60 days prior to recital, may be removed from the performance at the Director's and/or Instructor's discretion.
All make-up classes must be scheduled through the office. We allow 1 makeup per class, per month. Missed classes may be made up within thirty days and during the same session. Dancer must be still enrolled to take a makeup class. Refunds or credits will NOT be issued for missed classes. We cannot allow any make-up classes in May as we approach our recital.
Students are expected to arrive to class on time in proper dress code. (See dress code for each class). Students arriving more than 15 minutes late to class will not be permitted to attend that class. We take this very seriously in order to protect students from potential injury and to limit distractions for other students.
Please pick up students within 10 minutes following the end of class. If a parent is more than 10 minutes late following the last class of the night, a late pick-up fee of $10 will be added to your bill to cover the instructor's time and $1 per minute there after.
Recital 2025
Recital Fees are $120 for the first student and $90 for each additional. Families will receive 2 tickets each show they have a dancer in. Recital is April 26 & 27, 2025, at Deer Park High School, South Campus. Costumes are ordered in mid-November therefore, dancers must be enrolled by November to participate in the recital. If a student transfers to a different class after November 1st, they will no longer be able to participate in the recital. Each class has a separate dance and costume. Costumes are non-transferrable and non-refundable. Costumes orders have already been placed for the 2024-2025 Session’s Recital.
For the 2025-2026 Session: Costume fees will be $90 for all Tiny Tots and Creative Dance classes. All other classes are $110 except for Ballet 4 and up. Tutus for Ballet 4 and up will be approximately $160.
We will do our best to keep you informed by e-mails and updating our website and Facebook page often. However, it is your responsibility to keep up-to-date by reading e-mails and checking the information board and website. If you have a question or concern, please do not ask instructors during or in-between classes. Please visit the office instead, where we will be more than happy to help you. The instructors have a very tight schedule and are not able to meet with parents during class because it can use up valuable class time. If you need to meet personally with an instructor, please schedule an appointment with the instructor through the office so that the instructors can give you their full attention. Any studio-related issues should be dealt with through the office and not directly with the instructors.
Coomer Ballet Conservatory takes great care and consideration for each student's safety. However, like any other form of physical activity, the risk of injury in dance is an unfortunate possibility. We do not carry medical insurance for our students. It is required that all students be covered by their own family insurance policies. If a student is injured during class, a parent will be notified by our office.
In case of serious injury, a doctor’s note will be required for dancer’s safety to return to class. Tuition may be prorated on a case-by-case basis, according to injury with doctor’s recommendation.
Inclement Weather
The studio will usually follow Alvin ISD's decision on class cancellation due to inclement weather and scheduled holidays. Whenever possible, we will send out an email the night before if classes are cancelled. You may also check our website and Facebook page for this information. We reserve the right to cancel classes at our discretion. Any classes that are missed or canceled due to weather can be made-up by scheduling a make-up class with the office.
Studio Etiquette and General Information
Please adhere to our studio dress code for all classes.
No food, drink, or gum is allowed in the dance studios at any time. Bottled water is permitted.
Do not enter the studios until invited in by the instructor.
Be sure to use the restroom before class. Students may not leave the studio without the instructor's permission. Be sure to inform your instructor prior to the class time if you need early dismissal.
Put cell phones on silent prior to entering the dance studio. No cell phone use during class. Parents, please contact the office if you need to get in contact with your child during class time.
No outside shoes on the studio floor. Dance shoes must not be worn outside. Please wear appropriate cover-ups and shoes to and from class.
Parents are not permitted in the dance studios unless invited in by the instructor.
Any choreography learned by a student is the sole property of the studio and may not be copied or used for any activity outside of the studio's scope without prior permission granted from the Coomer Ballet Conservatory.
Adults are not permitted to take children's classes with the exception of Open Ballet. We have Adult-specific classes.
The refrigerator will be cleaned out after the last class on Saturday on a weekly basis.
Snacks, water, and soda are available to purchase in the office. With prior parent permission, purchases can be added to your monthly bill.
Our lost and found is located in the dressing rooms. Items will be donated to charity on a monthly basis.
*The policies of Coomer Ballet Conservatory were designed to promote an organized, professional studio and to create a positive learning environment for all students. These policies will help create the best dance experience possible for everyone. Our instructors are professionals and take dance very seriously. By following these policies, we can help every student excel at the fine art of dance.