A Night at the Movies!

Recital 2025: April 26th & 27th

Picture Day Schedules:

Saturday, March 1- All Tiny Tots, Creative Dance, Primary classes, Level 1 classes, and Tap 2

Sunday, March 2- Level 2 and up classes

Visit our Online Store to purchase your sitting fees. -A sitting fee of $40 per dancer for one costume/$50 per dancer for multiple costumes must be pre-paid by February 26 through our Online Store. The fee will increase by $10 on and after February 26. The sitting fee includes one digital image (two if in multiple costumes); additional pictures are $15 each. The Sitting Fee includes 1 digital file from the professional photographer and covers staff time. Additional digital files will be available to purchase for $15 each through the photographer, Jaime Lagdameo. Email: damexipino@gmail.com. No refunds for no-shows.


All Ballet classes, Tiny Tots, and Creative Dance will wear Body Wrappers convertible tights in theatrical pink, Capezio convertible tights in light pink, or Bloch convertible tights in pink. with pink ballet shoes, either So Danca or Capezio brand. Be sure to purchase your tights early as during recital season they are in high demand.

**We have a limited stock of ballet tights for purchase at Coomer Ballet. Please see the office to purchase.**

TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE ON MONDAY, MARCH 3 AT 8 AM: Ludus - Coomer Ballet Conservatory

Venue: Deer Park High School Theater, South Campus

710 W San Augustine St, Deer Park, TX 77536

The theater is off of Joe Scott Cathey Ave/Texas Ave. Dancers (Check-In) and Audience will enter through the Main Entrance shown on the Venue Map below…

Click here for parking and entrance info: Deer Park Venue


April 26th, Show A: Mandatory Dress Rehearsal & Performance Schedule

April 26th, Show B: Mandatory Dress Rehearsal & Performance Schedule

April 27th, Show C: Mandatory Dress Rehearsal & Performance Schedule

April 27th, Show D: Mandatory Dress Rehearsal & Performance Schedule

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where is the recital?

-Deer Park High School, South Campus located at 710 W San Augustine St, Deer Park, TX 77536. Parking is free.

When is the recital?

-Classes will perform in one show only (Show A, B, C, or D). Assigning classes to each recital is a long planning process. We do our best to accommodate dancers in multiple classes and try to put as many siblings in the same shows as possible. We have a recital planning program that helps us plan our shows with the least amount of conflicts. Despite the enormous effort put into this project, it is impossible to put every family or student into only one show.  Many times families will be assigned to separate shows. Siblings in multiple recitals is a common practice for many dance studios. If your dancers are in different shows, you will receive 2 free tickets to both.

Can my dancer participate?

-Dancers must be enrolled by November to participate in the recital. This is to due costume availability and the setting of choreography.

-Dancers in Ballet 3, Ballet 4, and Ballet 5 must be enrolled in both of the required weekday classes to participate as they will rehearse both days.

-The following classes will not perform in the recital -Leaps & Turns, Drill Team Prep, Acro for dancers, Saturday & Sunday Open Ballet, and Beginner Pointe. Adult Classes will perform unless notified otherwise.

What does the recital fee pay for?

- The recital fees go toward renting the theater for the shows/dress rehearsals, production/technician fees, lighting, flooring, instructor/staff pay, planning, etc. Each family receives 2 free tickets to their assigned show.

When is the Dress Rehearsal? Is it mandatory?

Dress rehearsal will be before each show and it is mandatory and dancers must be on time. If your dancer does not attend dress rehearsal or is late they will not perform in the recital. NO EXCEPTIONS. Dancers do not have to be at the dress rehearsal the entire time (just their specific time slot) and will be released in the lobby after they rehearse.  You will receive a detailed rehearsal schedule with your dancer’s rehearsal times. New this year… Parents NOT may watch dress rehearsals from the audience.


How do I get my tickets?

-LUDUS Online ticketing will handle tickets sales. Seating will be general seating. You will receive an email with more information to your primary email address on file. Each family participating in the recital will receive 2 tickets. You must have your tickets to enter the auditorium. Additional tickets are available to purchase for $25 each.

A ticket will be required for any non-performing dancer who wants to watch the show. Children 4 and under sitting in laps do not require a ticket. (Tiny Tots and Creative Dancers may watch in the audience after intermission in a lap.) There will be no ticket sales on the day of the recital or at the venue. Tickets must be bought before the event.

How should my dancer’s hair be? Do they need makeup?

All ballet, jazz, contemporary, and tap classes will have their hair in either a high bun or low bun, middle part unless specified differently on our class costume sheets. For hair in a high bun, the top of the bun should just be visible on the top of the head when looking straight on. Not on top of the head. Please do not use a donut hairpiece or a bun maker for buns. Buns should be as flat as possible. Watch this link for detailed instructions for buns… Houston Ballet Academy Ballet Bun Tutorial - YouTube

Here is a great tutorial on how to do a proper ballet bun for all different hair types by Houston Ballet Academy: Houston Ballet Academy Ballet Bun Tutorial - YouTube. For a high bun, the top of the bun should just be visible from the front (not on the very top of the head.)

-For girls’ makeup, we suggest red lipstick, pink blush, black mascara, and a neutral color palette for eyeshadow. The goal is only to enhance the dancer's features so that their face shows up on stage and does not get washed out by the bright lights. Makeup is recommended but not required.

When should I check in my dancer for the recital? Should my dancer arrive in costume?

Dancers in the first act should check in no later than 30 minutes before the show. Dancers in the second act should check in no later than 10 minutes before the show.

Yes, please have your dancer dressed in their costume with hair and makeup complete when they are checked in at the stage door. If your child has multiple costumes, please pack them in a garment bag for easy access with all necessary shoes, tights, and hair accessories. Please label all items with your child’s name.

Can I go backstage with my child? Who will be watching my child backstage?

-No, only dancers, staff, and assigned class parents will be permitted backstage. One parent is allowed for our Tiny Tot and Adaptive Dance dancers. Only assigned class parents who have gone through a background check will assist in coordinating & supervising backstage along with the staff of Coomer Ballet. The backstage area is supervised for the duration of the show. Dancers can be checked in and out at the stage door either at intermission (if they are done) or after the show only. We do not release dancers during the show.

Class parents will be chosen by teachers to help backstage. Class parents DO get to watch their dancer from the side of the stage and do not need to purchase a show ticket. Not all parents who volunteer will be able to help as the backstage space is limited.

Can we leave when my dancer is finished with her/his dance?  

During Rehearsal, YES.          During Recital, NO.

It’s a big distraction (to fellow audience members and performers) to get up and move around during the performance. All performers deserve respect and the joy of a large audience clapping for them. It’s a great lesson in live performance etiquette.

We must leave the recital early. What do we do?           

If you cannot avoid leaving the recital early, you MUST follow these rules.

Contact the office by APRIL 20th (no late submissions will be accepted) and provide us with your child’s name, class, AND WHO will be picking her/him up. At the recital, SIT IN THE BACK of the auditorium to limit distraction when leaving. When your child is done performing: Send only the named person to pick up your child from the stage door. Staff will only release the child to the adult listed.

NOTE:  For the SAFETY of ALL our performers, we WILL NOT release a child early unless we have been contacted by April 22nd.  NO EXCEPTIONS

Besides their costume, what else does my dancer need?

-Each class has specific tights and shoes they will need. You can view and order from our Coomer Ballet Studio Page on Discount Dance Supply by clicking the link below.


Studio Code: TP127099

IMPORTANT*** Tights will not be available to order through Coomer Ballet however we do have limited stock in studio. We recommend ordering through Discount Dance or Razzle Dazzle. Be sure to buy any necessary tights/shoes early as tights often go out of stock during recital season. Again… order/buy early!

Underwear should not be worn under tights for dancers. This creates bunching and they can almost always be seen from the audience. Older students can wear skin-tone undergarments that are not visible under the costume if needed.


What is there for dancers to do while waiting backstage?

It can seem like a long wait for an excited dancer backstage. For that reason, we give our class parents and staff many tools to keep the kids entertained. There are games and coloring sheets. When it is their turn to dance, they are called, and our staff walks them to the stage and back safely. Dancers will remain backstage until the end of the show. Please pack water and a healthy nut-free snack for your child in case they get hungry. If you send your dancer with a tablet, please be sure to label it with their first and last name in case it gets left behind. NO SLIME OR PLAYDOH!

Can I videotape or take pictures of the performance?

This is an important memory, one you will always cherish. For that reason, we hire a professional videographer to film all shows. Recital Videos will be available in the lobby to purchase from Bella Video. Their email address is hdbellavideo@yahoo.com.  

Phone and flash photography can be a distraction to our dancers as well as to the audience members around you. For that reason, the taking of photographs or videotaping of the show is strictly prohibited.  


How do I purchase a recital ad in the program for my dancer or business?

Recital Program Ads can be purchased on our online store beginning in February: Online Store — Coomer Ballet Conservatory. The deadline to purchase and submit is March 30th, 2024. These ads will be seen by over 3,000 audience members.


When is Recital Picture Day?

-Recital Pictures are scheduled at Coomer Ballet on March 1st & 2nd with professional dance photographer, Jaime Lagdameo. We will send out a picture schedule with each class’s specific time slot. Siblings may schedule pictures together by emailing us at info@coomerballet.com. The sitting fee is $35 per dancer which includes one digital image that will be given. You can purchase the sitting fee on our online store here starting in February. Additional images will be available for purchase from the photographer for $15. Recital Pictures are optional. Photographer’s email address: damexipino@gmail.com.


I have additional questions that are not covered here. Who do I contact?

Please contact our office by calling 832-736-5838 or emailing us at info@coomerballet.com.